What a wonderful time I had shooting this engagement session! Amy and I have known one another for several years. We were both in the same sorority at VSU and we hit it off right away. I was ecstatic when she asked me to take her engagement and wedding photos! Amy and Tray are so amazing together, you can just feel the love they have for each other, not to mention they are both beautiful people inside and out. I cannot wait to photograph their wedding day!
My beautiful son turned 4 months on Sunday, so I felt it was appropriate to take some new photos of my little handsome model. He sure does enjoy having his picture taken, just like his mommy :)
I had a wonderful time shooting my very first maternity session. Lisa {the mommy to be} and I worked together at HMC. We became really good friends during my time there, and I just love her and her hubby Tom. They will be joining the wonderful world of parenthood within the next couple of weeks! We are all ready for your grand entrance Charlotte!